Email Marketing Review

Take Your Business To New Heights

Optimize Your Email Marketing!

Let’s Begin Your Review

Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Let Us Take the Guesswork Out of Your Email Marketing

If you’re constantly putting off hitting that “send” button on your email campaigns because you’re not even sure if you’re “doing it right”, then we’re here to give you a hand!  Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to deliver your message to your audience.  Yes, social media has it’s place, too.  But you’re casting a really big net and you never truly know who is seeing what you have to say about your business.  We’re here to help you get your email marketing ducks in a row with this special offer for Mailchimp and Constant Contact customers.

Your Review

What’s Included

We’ll go behind the scenes of your Mailchimp or Constant Contact account and thoroughly review your current set up.  Special attention will be given to your lists, open rates, campaign subject lines, content and deliverability.  Once the review is complete you’ll receive a personalized report with action items for improving your email marketing based on these key areas.


We’ll make sure your list is clean and up to date.


We’ll suggest ways to make your audience feel like your emails speak to them.


We’ll provide insights for how to send the right message at the right time.


We’ll offer solutions for getting your message in their inboxes.

Special Offer

Be Prepared For The Busy Holiday Season

Now is the time to start planning and scheduling your 4th quarter, fall and holiday marketing emails. Because guess what? If you wait until November to start putting them together, it’s going to be too overwhelming for you to try and come up with what to say and who to send them to!  There is limited space for these personalized reviews if you want to get a head start on your end of year campaigns.  Sign up today and get your email marketing under control.